What Matters in Life – Musings

When I set out on this journey to Mexico, I was so excited about a new adventure. Learning a new language, traveling, making new experiences and accumulating interesting life stories. It was supposed to be a bigger life, a growing experience. 

I dismissed the value of close relationships. Dismissed the value of the small life and the struggles that it brings. 

I arrived here in Mazatlan only one week ago. In that short week, I’ve met many expats already and socialized with them. They are very welcoming, and it has been incredibly helpful to have their support. They are, however, not (yet) a comparable match for the long standing relationships I have at home. 

Having a community, I now realize, is the most underrated and undervalued thing in life. People are what really matters in life. Sometimes, people can be infuriating, or annoying, or frustrating, or hurtful… Sometimes, I just want to hide from them, get away from them. Yet, when they are gone – I miss them! 

I still see the value in traveling and making new experiences. I also realize, though, that LIFE is always just going to be that, LIFE. It’s the same (or similar) everywhere you go. You still have to live somewhere, feed yourself, socialize and connect, find a structure for your days… 

The environment is different. The weather might be more conducive to your disposition in one place over another. Or certain activities can be pursued in one location over another, like surfing, or rock climbing, or cave diving… 

Those influences are worth consideration when deciding where to live. They might even be worth starting over anew. Just don’t underestimate the value of what you already have – the grass is not always greener on the other side. And if it is, you might have to work hard for it, just to find out that it’s still the same green grass.

2 thoughts on “What Matters in Life – Musings

  1. Du hast ja richtig tiefe Einblicke ins Leben erhalten. Das finde ich wirklich super klasse!Ich bin so negativ stolz auf dich meine große Schwester…. Menschen und Beziehungen sind einfach kompliziert und trotzdem nicht wegzudenken, meine Drogensucht und dann das finden meiner passion für die Pferde haben mir geholfen die Balance zu finden. Tatsächlich wäre es ohne den Absturz nicht möglich gewesen,glaube ich.
    Auch wenn wir so wovon einander haben, ich liebe dich und ich vermisse dich! Ich wünsche dir alles was du dir wünscht! Dein kleiner Bruder

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