
Excursion to Mazatlán Centro

My first excursion to El Centro in Mazatlán produced some new impressions of the city.  I live in Sábalo Country which is the northern extension of the Golden Zone. Sábalo Country has many hotels along the beach, tiendas (shops) catering to the beach tourist’s needs and all manner of restaurants. […]


What Matters in Life – Musings

When I set out on this journey to Mexico, I was so excited about a new adventure. Learning a new language, traveling, making new experiences and accumulating interesting life stories. It was supposed to be a bigger life, a growing experience.  I dismissed the value of close relationships. Dismissed the […]


Don’t like Social Media, like me?

Maybe I am alone in this, but I do not like social media. I don’t use it. Some call me stubborn or antiquated, but in my mind, I am just doing what’s right for me.  However, when I decided to leave Canada, I had to concede that helpful expat communities […]